Räkfrossa (2000) is a Swedish comedy show featuring educational entertainment in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Hosted by David Batra and Johan Glans, the show includes a variety of guests such as Henrik Elmér, Nina Allergren, Christer Fjällström, Kajsa Ingemarsson, and more. The program aims to bring laughter and joy to its audience while also providing valuable information in an engaging manner. With a diverse cast of characters and talented comedians, Räkfrossa promises to entertain and enlighten viewers of all ages.
Produced by Tommy Bennwik, this show is a delightful blend of humor, knowledge, and fun. Each episode brings something new and exciting, keeping audiences hooked and coming back for more. Whether you're looking for a good laugh or wanting to learn something new, Räkfrossa has it all. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this entertaining and informative show that is sure to leave you both entertained and enlightened.
Also Known As:
RäkfrossaRelease Date:
07 Sep 2000