In the compelling and heart-wrenching drama film Rails & Ties, tragedy strikes when a train collides with a car, forever changing the lives of two individuals. The story follows Tom Stark, the train engineer, and Davey Danner, a young boy who miraculously survives the horrific accident. Tom and his wife, Megan, are struggling to cope with their own personal issues, but despite the challenges they face, they open their hearts to Davey.
As the unlikely bond between Tom and Davey grows, their lives become intricately intertwined. Tom finds solace in Davey's presence, helping him deal with his own emotional pain, while also trying to mend his fractured relationship with Megan. Meanwhile, Davey, who has lost his mother in the accident, finds a sense of belonging and stability within Tom's family.
Set against the backdrop of a tragic event, Rails & Ties explores themes of loss, grief, and the power of human connection. It is a story of redemption and the unexpected ways in which people can come together in the face of adversity.
With remarkable performances from its cast, including Kevin Bacon, Marcia Gay Harden, and Miles Heizer, Rails & Ties is a poignant and deeply affecting film that will leave audiences contemplating the complexities of life and the resilience of the human spirit.
Also Known As:
Rails & TiesRelease Date:
18 Apr 2008Writers:
Micky LevyAwards:
1 nomination