In the 2019 film Raggarjävlar, viewers are introduced to a new generation of Swedish greasers known as the Neo-greasers. These rebellious young individuals are reminiscent of their predecessors, driving American cars and defying societal norms. As they navigate the challenges of their demand-less lifestyle, the film explores the consequences they face and the sacrifices they are willing to make.
The story delves into the complexities of youth culture and explores the themes of rebellion, freedom, and the pursuit of an alternative way of life. Through compelling characters and dynamic storytelling, Raggarjävlar offers a glimpse into the world of the Neo-greasers and the choices they must make to navigate a society that may not always understand or accept them.
Filled with drama and intrigue, this film is a captivating exploration of generational differences and the timeless struggle for individuality and freedom. Raggarjävlar offers a unique and compelling look at the lives of young rebels in a changing world.
Also Known As:
RaggarjävlarRelease Date:
05 May 2019