In Quiz Lady (2023), a heartwarming comedy-drama film, we dive into the intriguing world of gameshows alongside two sisters on a mission to save their mother from a web of gambling debts. The story centers around the bond between the gameshow-obsessed woman, Tracy, and her estranged sister, Sarah, as they hatch a plan to face their mother's financial troubles head-on.
Tracy, played by an engaging and hilarious lead actress, is infatuated with gameshows, with an encyclopedic knowledge that exceeds anyone else's. However, her obsession takes a turn when she discovers her mother's secret gambling problem. Determined to help their mother, Tracy and Sarah devise a plan to cover the debts by leveraging Tracy's extensive knowledge of gameshows.
Their journey takes them on a whirlwind adventure through the cutthroat world of gameshow competitions. Along the way, the sisters encounter various quirky characters, nail-biting challenges, and unexpected opportunities. As they compete against cunning contestants and ruthless producers, Tracy and Sarah learn to mend their fractured relationship and rediscover the true meaning of family.
Quiz Lady combines humor, heart, and a dash of suspense to deliver an entertaining and uplifting experience. This delightful film will charm audiences with its blend of clever writing, relatable characters, and the timeless appeal of gameshows. Join Tracy and Sarah on their quest to save their mother and rediscover the bonds that hold a family together.
Also Known As:
Quiz LadyRelease Date:
03 Nov 2023Writers:
Jen D'Angelo