Quiz is a gripping drama based on true events that unfolds the extraordinary story of Charles Ingram, a former British army major whose life took a dramatic turn when he was accused of cheating his way to a £1 million win on the popular game show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?.
Set in 2001, the series takes us behind the scenes of the renowned quiz show and follows Charles (played by Matthew Macfadyen) as he becomes embroiled in a scandal that captivated the nation. With his wife, Diana (played by Sian Clifford), and accomplice, Tecwen Whittock (played by Michael Jibson), Charles finds himself at the center of a high-stakes trial, facing accusations of deception and fraud.
Quiz presents a captivating exploration of the dark side of obsession and the price of greed, as Charles's life unravels under intense public scrutiny and media frenzy. The series delves into the intricacies of the cheating scandal, highlighting the ethical dilemmas faced by the contestants and the production team of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?.
With its stellar cast and intense storytelling, Quiz offers a thought-provoking narrative that leaves viewers questioning the boundaries of fair play, the power of perception, and the consequences of deceit. Prepare to be gripped by this exceptional tale that reveals the fine line between truth and fiction, in a world where the quest for wealth can lead to devastating consequences.
Set in 2001, the series takes us behind the scenes of the renowned quiz show and follows Charles (played by Matthew Macfadyen) as he becomes embroiled in a scandal that captivated the nation. With his wife, Diana (played by Sian Clifford), and accomplice, Tecwen Whittock (played by Michael Jibson), Charles finds himself at the center of a high-stakes trial, facing accusations of deception and fraud.
Quiz presents a captivating exploration of the dark side of obsession and the price of greed, as Charles's life unravels under intense public scrutiny and media frenzy. The series delves into the intricacies of the cheating scandal, highlighting the ethical dilemmas faced by the contestants and the production team of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?.
With its stellar cast and intense storytelling, Quiz offers a thought-provoking narrative that leaves viewers questioning the boundaries of fair play, the power of perception, and the consequences of deceit. Prepare to be gripped by this exceptional tale that reveals the fine line between truth and fiction, in a world where the quest for wealth can lead to devastating consequences.