Queen Sugar (2016-2022) is a captivating drama series that delves into the lives of the Bordelon siblings as they navigate the complex world of family, love, and the pursuit of their dreams. The story revolves around Nova, a journalist and activist based in New Orleans, Charlie, a savvy businesswoman, and Ralph Angel, a single father who recently returned from prison. Their lives are forever changed when they inherit an 800-acre sugarcane farm in Louisiana following the death of their father.
As the siblings come together to manage the family farm, they face numerous challenges and conflicts, both within themselves and from external forces. Set against the backdrop of the sugar industry in the Deep South, the show explores themes of racial injustice, economic inequality, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Queen Sugar showcases the unique struggles and triumphs of each sibling as they confront their past, reconcile their differences, and strive to honor their father's legacy. With its richly developed characters, heartfelt performances, and stunning cinematography, this critically acclaimed series offers an intimate portrait of African American life in the South.
Prepare to be immersed in the emotionally charged world of Queen Sugar, where the bonds of family and the power of determination will captivate viewers from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Queen SugarRelease Date:
06 Sep 2016Writers:
Ava DuVernayAwards:
21 wins & 70 nominations