Quarterback (2023–) is a captivating documentary series that takes viewers behind the scenes of the 2022 NFL season, focusing on the lives and careers of three exceptional quarterbacks: Patrick Mahomes, Kirk Cousins, and Marcus Mariota. This gripping series offers a unique perspective into the high-stakes world of professional football, providing an intimate look at these quarterbacks' journey both on and off the field.
Through exclusive interviews, unprecedented access, and captivating footage, viewers are granted an inside look at the incredible athletic abilities, leadership skills, and unwavering determination that have propelled these players to the pinnacle of their profession. Each episode delves into the challenges and triumphs faced by Mahomes, Cousins, and Mariota as they compete against some of the toughest opponents in the league.
While the series showcases the impressive performances and game-changing plays of these quarterbacks, it also sheds light on the personal sacrifices and pressures they face both in their professional and personal lives. From the expectation to perform at an elite level to the physical toll of the game, Quarterback provides a comprehensive exploration of the trials and tribulations faced by these extraordinary athletes.
With its unparalleled access and compelling storytelling, Quarterback takes football fans on an unforgettable journey, giving them an up-close and personal look at the lives of three of the most talented quarterbacks in the National Football League.
Also Known As:
QuarterbackRelease Date:
12 Jul 2023