Proxy (2013) is a gripping psychological thriller that tells the story of Esther Woodhouse, a pregnant woman who is brutally attacked and disfigured by a mysterious assailant. The traumatic incident leads Esther to seek solace in a support group, where she finds hope, friendship, and understanding.
At first, Esther's newfound companionship seems to be a blessing in disguise as she navigates her life of sadness and solitude. The support group members offer her a sense of acceptance and help her cope with her physical and emotional scars.
However, as Esther delves deeper into the group, she soon realizes that friendship and understanding can be a double-edged sword. She discovers a dark and dangerous underbelly within the group, where secrets and ulterior motives lurk.
Directed by Zack Parker, Proxy is a masterfully crafted film that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, blending elements of horror, suspense, and psychological drama. The movie explores themes of trust, deception, and the consequences of seeking solace in the wrong places.
Boasting stellar performances from its cast, Proxy is a thought-provoking and unsettling film that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the dark side that can exist within them. With its intense storyline and unexpected twists, this movie is sure to captivate viewers seeking a thrilling and suspenseful cinematic experience.