Proven Innocent (2019) is a gripping legal drama that follows a dedicated team as they fight to uncover the truth and bring justice to those who have been wrongfully convicted. Led by Madeline Scott, a fierce and determined attorney who was once wrongfully imprisoned herself, this team takes on challenging cases with the hope of setting the innocent free.
The series delves into the intricate details of each case as the legal team, consisting of a brilliant investigator, an empathetic attorney, and a tech genius, work tirelessly to gather evidence and expose the real perpetrators. Along the way, they face numerous obstacles and encounter powerful individuals who would rather bury the truth than admit their mistakes.
Proven Innocent explores the themes of redemption, resilience, and the fragile nature of justice. It highlights the devastating consequences of a flawed legal system and the deep emotional impact of wrongful convictions on the lives of the accused and their loved ones.
With its engaging storyline, compelling characters, and thought-provoking narrative, this series offers a gripping and suspenseful viewing experience. Proven Innocent keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they root for justice to prevail and the innocent to be proven guilty.
Also Known As:
Proven InnocentRelease Date:
15 Feb 2019Writers:
David Elliot