In the movie Promised set in 1953, the plot revolves around two young Italian children who are promised to each other in marriage by their fathers. As the story progresses, we fast forward twenty-one years and find ourselves in a period of changing times, fading traditions, and the 70s liberation movement.
Despite the evolving world around them, the two individuals are now faced with the pressure to fulfill their childhood promise and marry each other. If they refuse to do so, they must face the severe consequences of breaking this age-old tradition.
The film explores the conflict between traditional expectations and the desire for personal freedom and autonomy. It delves into the struggles faced by the protagonists as they grapple with their individual dreams, aspirations, and the social pressures imposed upon them by their families and society.
As the characters navigate their way through this complex situation, they are forced to confront their personal desires versus their sense of duty and responsibility. The audience is taken on a heartfelt journey as the protagonists confront their own emotions and the societal expectations that have been placed upon them.
Promised is a captivating and thought-provoking film that offers viewers a glimpse into a unique cultural tradition while exploring universal themes of love, loyalty, and personal identity.
Despite the evolving world around them, the two individuals are now faced with the pressure to fulfill their childhood promise and marry each other. If they refuse to do so, they must face the severe consequences of breaking this age-old tradition.
The film explores the conflict between traditional expectations and the desire for personal freedom and autonomy. It delves into the struggles faced by the protagonists as they grapple with their individual dreams, aspirations, and the social pressures imposed upon them by their families and society.
As the characters navigate their way through this complex situation, they are forced to confront their personal desires versus their sense of duty and responsibility. The audience is taken on a heartfelt journey as the protagonists confront their own emotions and the societal expectations that have been placed upon them.
Promised is a captivating and thought-provoking film that offers viewers a glimpse into a unique cultural tradition while exploring universal themes of love, loyalty, and personal identity.