Princess Mononoke (1997) is an animated epic adventure film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The story revolves around a young warrior named Ashitaka, who is cursed after protecting his village from a boar-god attack. In order to save his own life, Ashitaka embarks on a journey to the forests of the west and becomes entangled in a brutal conflict between humans and the gods of the forest.
Led by the ambitious Lady Eboshi and her clan, the humans are determined to exploit the forest's resources and use their guns to defeat the gods. On the other side, Princess Mononoke, a young woman raised by a wolf-god, fights fiercely to protect the forest and its inhabitants.
Ashitaka finds himself caught in the middle, recognizing the goodness in both sides and attempting to mediate a peaceful resolution. However, his efforts are met with animosity as both sides view him as supporting their enemy. As the conflict intensifies, Ashitaka must navigate the complicated web of loyalty, morality, and survival.
Princess Mononoke explores themes of environmentalism, the destructive nature of human progress, and the inherent connection between humans and nature. With stunning animation, complex characters, and a captivating storyline, this film offers a thought-provoking and visually mesmerizing experience.
Also Known As:
Princess MononokeRelease Date:
19 Dec 1997Writers:
Hayao Miyazaki, Neil Gaiman (adapted by: English version)Awards:
13 wins & 6 nominations.