Pride: Seven Deadly Sins (2023) revolves around Birdie Moore, a skilled baker whose life takes a turbulent turn when long-held family secrets begin to resurface. As her world starts crumbling, Birdie must confront the pride that has driven a wedge between her and her own daughter if she hopes to salvage her legacy.
Set in a small, tight-knit community, this heartfelt drama explores the consequences of pride and the power of forgiveness. Birdie's journey is a compelling exploration of both the triumphs and pitfalls of familial relationships. As she faces the repercussions of her past actions, Birdie must learn to let go of her heart-wrenching pride and find reconciliation with those she loves most.
With stunning cinematography capturing the picturesque backdrop of the town, Pride: Seven Deadly Sins immerses viewers in a story about the complexities of human nature and the bonds that hold us together. The film skillfully portrays the inner struggles and personal growth of its characters, evoking empathy and introspection.
As Birdie Moore's tale unfolds, audiences will be captivated by the heartfelt performances, poignant storytelling, and themes of redemption and humility. Pride: Seven Deadly Sins is a remarkable film that reminds us of the importance of setting aside our pride for the sake of those we hold dear.
Also Known As:
Pride: Seven Deadly SinsRelease Date:
08 Apr 2023Writers:
Felicia Brooker