In the captivating documentary Pride from Above (2023), viewers are taken on a unique aerial journey through the extravagant and vibrant celebrations of LGBTQ culture around the world. Through exclusive access, the film provides a fresh perspective on Pride events, showcasing the historic activism, creative expression, and meticulous planning needed to orchestrate these massive gatherings of love and unity.
From the sky, audiences witness the breathtaking scope and scale of these technicolored festivals of hope, underscoring the resilience and diversity of the LGBTQ community. As the camera soars above the rainbow-hued crowds, viewers are immersed in the inspiring stories of individuals who have courageously fought for equality and acceptance.
Through stunning visuals and intimate interviews, Pride from Above captures the spirit of Pride as a global movement of empowerment and solidarity. This groundbreaking documentary offers a powerful and ultimately uplifting look at the power of love and activism in creating a more inclusive and compassionate world.
Also Known As:
Pride from AboveRelease Date:
02 Jun 2023