Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin is a thrilling and suspenseful TV series set in the fictional town of Millwood. Two decades ago, the town was plagued by a series of tragic incidents that nearly tore it apart. Now, in present times, a group of young women known as the Little Liars find themselves facing a mysterious and relentless tormentor.
As the Little Liars navigate their lives in Millwood, they are constantly on edge, never knowing who to trust. Each girl holds a dark secret, and their secrets begin to resurface, threatening to unravel their lives and the fragile peace of the town. The unknown assailant seems to know these secrets and uses them to manipulate and harass the Little Liars. As they try to uncover the truth about what happened in the past and who is behind the torment, they realize that no one is innocent and everyone has something to hide.
With nail-biting suspense, unexpected twists, and heart-pounding revelations, Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. This modern-day adaptation of the popular Pretty Little Liars franchise is a must-watch for fans of suspenseful dramas. Delve into the world of Millwood, where secrets run deep and danger lurks around every corner. Can the Little Liars overcome their tormentor and bring the truth to light before it's too late? Tune in to find out.
Also Known As:
Pretty Little Liars: Original SinRelease Date:
28 Jul 2022Writers:
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Lindsay Calhoon BringAwards:
1 win