Preacher (2016–2019) is a thrilling television series that explores the fascinating concept of what would happen if an angel and a demon were to conceive a child. This unconventional offspring, known as Genesis, does not possess a physical body but instead exists as a powerful and mysterious soul. In a momentous decision, Genesis selects a man named Jesse, a troubled preacher from Texas who is grappling with a crisis of faith and battling addiction.
As the series progresses, Jesse finds himself becoming the vessel for Genesis, as the soul binds itself to him and bestows upon him the ability to speak the word of God. Anything Jesse commands is instantly fulfilled, granting him an unprecedented power over both humans and supernatural beings. This newfound ability draws the attention of various individuals, including vampires, angels, and demons, who all seek to exploit his powers for their own gain.
Navigating a treacherous world filled with complex characters and moral ambiguity, Preacher delves into themes of religion, love, redemption, and the nature of good and evil. With its intense and gripping storytelling, the series promises to captivate viewers as they witness Jesse's transformation from a morally conflicted preacher to a reluctant yet formidable force wielding unimaginable power. Prepare to embark on an enthralling journey where the line between savior and destroyer becomes blurred, and nothing is as it seems.
Note: This summary does not reveal any specific plot points or spoilers, ensuring that potential viewers can enjoy the series without having major story elements given away.
Also Known As:
PreacherRelease Date:
22 May 2016Writers:
Sam Catlin, Evan Goldberg, Seth RogenAwards:
1 win & 14 nominations.