In Porky's Revenge (1985), the graduating class of 1955 at Angel Beach High is in for their biggest challenge yet. The gang finds themselves facing off against their long-time nemesis, Porky, once again. This time, Porky has a devious plan in mind, as he wants the gang to purposely lose the school's championship basketball game. Why? Because he has placed a hefty bet on the opposing team and stands to make a fortune if they win.
As our young heroes uncover Porky's plot, they realize they can't let him get away with his schemes. Determined to protect their beloved school's reputation, the gang rallies together and prepares to face their nemesis head-on. With graduation looming and the stakes higher than ever, they must use every trick in the book to outsmart Porky and his cronies.
Porky's Revenge is a hilarious and action-packed comedy that explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and standing up against bullies. Packed with pranks, laughs, and heartwarming moments, this film will keep audiences of all ages entertained. Follow the misadventures of the Angel Beach High gang as they try to save their school's honor and create cherished memories before leaving the halls of their alma mater for good.
*Note: Due to the nature of this summary, the mention of spoilers has been removed.
Also Known As:
Porky's RevengeRelease Date:
22 Mar 1985Writers:
Bob Clark, Ziggy SteinbergAwards:
1 nomination