In Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment (1985), a new gang threatens to disrupt the peace in a small town, leading the bumbling police team to come to the rescue. The film serves as a comedic continuation of the popular Police Academy franchise, showcasing the misadventures and hilarious antics of the beloved characters.
As tensions rise, the fearless leader of the police team, Sergeant Carey Mahoney, springs into action to combat the gang's criminal activities. He is joined by his quirky comrades, including Larvell Jones, Moses Hightower, and Eugene Tackleberry, each with their own unique abilities and idiosyncrasies. Together, they must use their unconventional methods to apprehend the gang and restore order to the town.
Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment is filled with comedic moments, slapstick humor, and memorable one-liners. The film offers a lighthearted and entertaining escape, perfect for a fun movie night. With a blend of action, comedy, and a touch of heart, it promises to keep audiences engaged and laughing throughout.
Don't miss out on this classic sequel that is sure to leave you chuckling. Stream Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment on our platform today and join the zany police team as they face their wildest adventure yet.
Also Known As:
Police Academy 2: Their First AssignmentRelease Date:
29 Mar 1985Writers:
Neal Israel, Pat Proft, Barry W. BlausteinAwards:
1 win