Please Like Me is a heartwarming and critically acclaimed Australian comedy-drama series that follows the journey of Josh, a young man who discovers he is homosexual after breaking up with his girlfriend, Claire. With the support of Claire and his best friend and housemate, Tom, Josh navigates the challenges of coming to terms with his new sexual orientation.
As Josh grapples with his own identity, he also finds himself faced with the responsibility of helping his mother battle with depression. This added pressure pushes Josh to not only embrace his own truth but also find ways to support his family in accepting his new-found orientation.
Things get even more complicated for Josh when he meets a charming and attractive young man named Geoffrey. As their relationship develops, Josh must confront his own fears and insecurities, ultimately learning valuable lessons about love, acceptance, and self-discovery.
Filled with humor, warmth, and relatable characters, Please Like Me is a touching and refreshingly honest exploration of modern relationships, mental health, and the complexities of sexuality. With its engaging storytelling and compelling performances, this series is bound to captivate and resonate with audiences of all backgrounds.