Playing with Fire is a heartwarming and hilarious family comedy that follows the brave adventures of a crew of rugged firefighters. When the fire team's leader, Jake Carson, and his team of dedicated firefighters rescue three mischievous kids, they quickly discover that extinguishing fires is far easier than taking care of children.
The film revolves around the unexpected challenges faced by Jake and his crew as they attempt to keep the three rambunctious kids under control. From high-energy pranks to mini-explosions in the bathroom, the firefighters find themselves faced with a whole new level of chaos. As they struggle to keep everything in order and return the kids to their parents, their lives are turned upside down, with humorous consequences.
Playing with Fire is a delightful blend of heart, humor, and action that will keep audiences of all ages entertained. The film features a fantastic ensemble cast, including John Cena as the tough but kind-hearted Jake Carson, and Keegan-Michael Key and John Leguizamo as his loyal team members. The irresistible chemistry between the actors adds to the film's comedic charm.
Perfect for family movie nights, Playing with Fire is a delightful and entertaining story about friendship, responsibility, and the unexpected joys that come from stepping outside of your comfort zone. Get ready to laugh, cheer, and maybe even shed a tear as these fearless firefighters journey through the challenges of parenthood.
Also Known As:
Playing with FireRelease Date:
08 Nov 2019Writers:
Dan Ewen, Matt LiebermanAwards:
2 wins & 2 nominations