In Playing Mona Lisa (2000), we follow a talented musician named Claire, played by Alicia Witt, who finds herself back living with her parents after a breakup with her boyfriend. As she navigates this unexpected turn of events, Claire's life takes a series of comedic and heartfelt twists and turns. Along the way, she meets quirky characters and finds herself in a variety of amusing situations as she tries to reevaluate her life and career aspirations.
The movie captures Claire's journey of self-discovery and personal growth as she grapples with the challenges of starting over and finding her place in the world. With a mix of humor, drama, and musical elements, Playing Mona Lisa offers a relatable and entertaining exploration of love, loss, and the pursuit of happiness.
Join Claire on her quest to find her rhythm and rediscover her passion for music in this charming and uplifting film that will leave viewers rooting for her every step of the way.
Also Known As:
Playing Mona LisaRelease Date:
28 Apr 2000Writers:
Marni Freedman, Carlos De Los RiosAwards:
2 wins