Playing Hard is a captivating documentary that delves into the fascinating world of video game creation. This behind-the-scenes film takes viewers on a journey through the ups and downs, tensions, and triumphs of Ubisoft's highly anticipated game, For Honor. Audiences will gain an unprecedented glimpse into the minds of the creative visionaries and the intricate process involved in producing a blockbuster game.
Through intimate interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, Playing Hard sheds light on the immense challenges faced by the talented team at Ubisoft Montreal. Viewers will witness the pressure to deliver a game that meets the expectations of both the gaming community and the industry as a whole. The film explores the dynamic relationships between the game's creative director, game producer, and marketing director, highlighting the intensity and passion that goes into making a successful game.
In addition to the relentless pursuit of perfection, Playing Hard also delves into personal stories of the individuals behind the game. Viewers will discover the sacrifices made by the team members, the toll the creative process takes on their personal lives, and the toll it can take on their mental and physical well-being.
As Playing Hard provides an inside look into the complex world of video game development, audiences will not only gain a deeper appreciation for the immense effort it takes to create a blockbuster game but also develop a new understanding of the human stories behind the scenes.