In Piranha 3D, an unexpected seismic event releases hordes of carnivorous prehistoric fish into a pristine lake. As the monstrous creatures go on a feeding frenzy, an unlikely group of individuals find themselves forced to unite and fight for survival. Led by a local sheriff, the team includes a marine biologist, a sexy underwater photographer, and a desperate single mother, among others.
As panic and chaos ensue on the lake, the group must navigate treacherous waters to protect themselves from becoming the piranhas' next meal. They devise ingenious strategies and use all available resources to battle the vicious predators, who are determined to devour anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path.
Packed with suspense, danger, and plenty of gore, Piranha 3D combines thrilling action with a healthy dose of humor. The movie features stunning underwater scenes and impressive visual effects that bring the terrifying creatures to life. While the main focus is on the intense struggle for survival, the film also explores the relationships and personal stories of the characters, adding depth to the narrative.
Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as this unlikely group fights tooth and nail to outsmart and overcome the bloodthirsty piranhas. Will they succeed in saving themselves and the lake's innocent visitors? Watch Piranha 3D to find out.
Also Known As:
Piranha 3DRelease Date:
20 Aug 2010Writers:
Pete Goldfinger, Josh StolbergAwards:
2 wins & 12 nominations