In the Danish comedy film Piger i trøjen (1975), viewers are introduced to Marianne, a young woman who decides to join the Army in Denmark in order to uphold a family tradition that her brother refuses to continue. However, Marianne's decision causes tension amongst her loved ones, including her brother and boyfriend, who struggle to accept her choice. As Marianne navigates the challenges of training and integration into the military environment, she must also confront the disapproval and concerns of those closest to her.
Set against the backdrop of a male-dominated institution, Piger i trøjen explores themes of gender roles, tradition, and the pursuit of one's own path. With humor and heart, the film sheds light on the complexities of familial expectations and societal norms, while celebrating the strength and determination of its protagonist. As Marianne faces obstacles and finds unexpected allies within the Army, she learns valuable lessons about independence, resilience, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
Join Marianne on her journey of self-discovery and empowerment in Piger i trøjen, a charming and engaging comedy that will leave audiences laughing and touched by its poignant message.
Also Known As:
Piger i trøjenRelease Date:
20 Aug 1975Writers:
Finn Henriksen