In Phil (2019), a depressed dentist finds himself embarking on a dark comedic adventure as he tries to uncover the truth behind the suicide of one of his seemingly happiest patients. This mid-life crisis-themed film delves into the dentist's journey to understand the reasons behind this unexpected tragedy and perhaps find a deeper meaning in his own life.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns. The dentist begins to question whether he truly knows his patients, unraveling their secrets and uncovering a web of complex relationships along the way. Through this exploration, he not only discovers the truth behind the patient's suicide but also gains valuable insights into his own personal struggles.
Phil offers a unique blend of comedy and introspection that proves to be thought-provoking and entertaining. The film tackles themes of mental health, existential crises, and the search for happiness, resulting in a poignant and relatable narrative.
With its dark humor and unexpected plot developments, Phil promises viewers an engaging and emotional experience. This film provides an immersive and introspective journey that prompts viewers to reflect on life's challenges and the importance of human connection.
Also Known As:
PhilRelease Date:
05 Jul 2019Writers:
Stephen MazurAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations