Personkrets 3:1 (1998) is the first installment in a trilogy exploring the downfall of social classes. This unique TV adaptation of Lars Norén's acclaimed play introduces viewers to a group of marginalized individuals struggling to survive at society's lowest rungs. Despite facing a harsh and inhumane reality, these characters still manage to find moments of warmth, tenderness, and humor in their lives. The stellar cast includes Peter Andersson, Göran Ragnerstam, Anna Pettersson, Melinda Kinnaman, Shanti Roney, and more, who bring these wind-blown and downtrodden figures to life. As the story unfolds, viewers are drawn into a world where resilience and compassion exist alongside hardship and despair. Personkrets 3:1 offers a poignant and thought-provoking look at the complexities of human existence and the unbreakable spirit of those often overlooked by society. Experience the power of Norén's narrative brought to life through compelling performances in this unforgettable drama series.
Also Known As:
Personkrets 3:1Release Date:
21 Nov 1998Writers:
Lars Norén