Perception (2012–2015) is a thrilling crime drama series following the brilliant Dr. Daniel Pierce, a highly unconventional neuropsychiatrist who aids the federal government in unraveling perplexing criminal cases. Filled with suspense, the show explores the unique perspective that Dr. Pierce brings to his work, allowing him to see beyond the surface and into the depths of the human mind.
The series delves into the psychological complexities of perception and reality, as Dr. Pierce's remarkable cognitive abilities enable him to reconstruct crime scenes and perceive things others might miss. However, his brilliance comes with a catch - he also experiences vivid hallucinations and episodes of paranoia, challenging his grasp on reality.
As viewers immerse themselves in the intense world of Perception, they are presented with fascinating insights into the field of neuroscience, as well as the intricate workings of the criminal mind. Dr. Pierce's collaborator, FBI agent Kate Moretti, quickly realizes the immense value of his unusual expertise and recruits him to help solve seemingly unsolvable cases.
Perception captivates its audience with its complex characters, unconventional storytelling, and thought-provoking themes. It seamlessly weaves together elements of crime-solving, psychology, and personal drama, making it a compelling and engaging watch for fans of thrilling mysteries with a psychological twist.
Also Known As:
PerceptionRelease Date:
09 Jul 2012Writers:
Kenneth Biller, Mike SussmanAwards:
2 wins & 4 nominations