In the town of Blithe Hollow, a young boy named Norman Babcock possesses the unique ability to communicate with the dead. However, nobody in the town, except for his new friend Neil, believes in his supernatural power. Norman's eccentric uncle reveals to him an annual ritual that must be performed to protect the town from a curse cast by a witch many years ago.
Reluctantly, Norman agrees to take on the responsibility of the ritual, but things take a turn for the worse. A powerful storm conjured by the witch threatens to unleash chaos on Blithe Hollow, causing the dead to rise from their graves. Joined by unexpected allies, Norman embarks on a quest to save his town from impending doom.
As he delves deeper into the curse, Norman uncovers a horrifying truth that forces him to confront his worst fears. Armed with this newfound knowledge, he must find a way to resolve the crisis for good, relying on his unique abilities to outsmart the witch and save his beloved town.
In the heartwarming and thrilling animated film ParaNorman, Norman's journey of self-discovery and bravery leads him to face supernatural challenges and embrace his true potential as a hero. Can he overcome the odds and save Blithe Hollow from its cursed fate? Find out in this captivating tale filled with humor, adventure, and unexpected twists.
Also Known As:
ParaNormanRelease Date:
17 Aug 2012Writers:
Chris ButlerAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 19 wins & 46 nominations total