Paper Girls (2022–) is a thrilling and suspenseful sci-fi series set in 1988. After a fateful Halloween night, four courageous 12-year-old girls find themselves embarking on a mission that will test their bravery and resilience. In the midst of a complex conflict, the girls are forced to travel through time in order to save the world.
This highly entertaining show combines nostalgia with a sense of adventure as the girls navigate through various eras, encountering both friends and foes along the way. With each time jump, the stakes get higher, and the girls must rely on their wits and teamwork to overcome formidable challenges.
Set against the backdrop of the late 80s, Paper Girls transports viewers to a bygone era filled with iconic fashion trends and cultural references. The meticulous attention to detail in recreating the time period adds depth and authenticity to the show's captivating storyline.
As the girls face mystery and danger, they form strong bonds and learn valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and courage. Audiences of all ages will find themselves engrossed in the captivating narrative and eagerly rooting for these young heroes as they strive to fulfill their mission.
Paper Girls is an exciting and compelling series that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover the secrets of the past and witness the girls' triumph over adversity.
Also Known As:
Paper GirlsRelease Date:
29 Jul 2022Writers:
Stephany Folsom