Outsiders is a captivating drama series that takes viewers on a journey through the rugged and mysterious hills of Appalachia. Set against a backdrop of struggle for power, the show delves into the lives of two families, the Farrells and the Coalers, who find themselves locked in a fierce battle for control over the region's valuable resources.
The Farrells, led by the fearless and enigmatic Big Foster, have lived off the grid for centuries, fiercely protecting their land and way of life. However, their existence is threatened when a coal mining company, headed by the ruthless and power-hungry Wade Houghton, sets its sights on their ancestral home.
Tensions escalate as both sides refuse to back down, leading to intense confrontations and violent clashes. As the conflict escalates, external forces including the local law enforcement, the town mayor, and a federal agent become entangled in the power struggle, further complicating the situation.
Outsiders expertly weaves together themes of family loyalty, honor, and the fight for survival against an unforgiving landscape. The show's gripping storyline, coupled with stunning cinematography that captures the rugged beauty of Appalachia, keeps viewers on the edge of their seats throughout. With its complex characters and thought-provoking plot, Outsiders is a must-watch for fans of gripping dramas and intense action.
Also Known As:
OutsidersRelease Date:
26 Jan 2016Writers:
Peter MatteiAwards:
1 nomination