Outlier is a captivating and suspenseful crime thriller series that follows the story of Maja Angell, a criminal psychologist who becomes embroiled in a chilling murder investigation. When a young girl is tragically murdered at a camping resort, Maja believes that the police have apprehended the wrong suspect and sets out to unravel the truth.
Despite her extensive knowledge and expertise, Maja struggles to convince the authorities of the potential miscarriage of justice. With time running out and the possibility of a dangerous perpetrator still on the loose, Maja relentlessly searches for clues and pursues her own investigation.
As Maja digs deeper into the case, she uncovers a web of secrets, lies, and deceptions that lead her to suspect that there is a serial killer at large. Determined to prevent any further harm, she races against the clock to identify the real murderer before they strike again.
Featuring gripping storytelling and intense performances, Outlier is a riveting series that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. As Maja Angell navigates the intricate and sinister world of crime, her quest for justice becomes a personal mission that holds dire consequences. Will she triumph over the odds and bring the true culprit to light, or will her pursuit of truth come at an unbearable cost?
Also Known As:
OutlierRelease Date:
18 Nov 2020