Discover the epic tale of Outlaw King (2018), a gripping historical drama depicting the incredible real-life story of Robert the Bruce, a 14th-century Scottish hero. This David vs. Goliath narrative showcases how Bruce, played by Chris Pine, showed remarkable wit and unwavering bravery to overcome the formidable occupying English army.
Set in Scotland during the turbulent 1300s, Outlaw King delves into the struggle of the Scottish people and their fierce resistance against English oppression. Robert the Bruce emerges as the valiant leader determined to unite the clans and reclaim Scotland's independence. Alongside his loyal followers, he devises cunning tactics to outmaneuver the much larger and better-equipped English forces.
Directed by David Mackenzie, this film beautifully captures the stunning Scottish landscapes and vividly portrays the hardships faced by Robert and his compatriots. Pine's captivating performance brings depth and vulnerability to the character of Robert the Bruce. The stellar supporting cast, including Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Florence Pugh, further adds to the film's authenticity and emotional depth.
Outlaw King is a must-watch for history enthusiasts and fans of epic, action-packed dramas. It offers an immersive experience that transports viewers back in time, revealing the untold story of a legendary Scottish figure who fought against all odds to secure his country's freedom. Prepare to be engrossed in this thrilling tale of bravery, honor, and the indomitable spirit of the human will.
Also Known As:
Outlaw KingRelease Date:
09 Nov 2018Writers:
Bathsheba Doran, David Mackenzie, James MacInnesAwards:
2 nominations