Outer Banks is a thrilling TV series that follows a group of teenagers who hail from the wrong side of the tracks. Their lives take an unexpectedly exciting turn when they stumble upon a treasure map that leads them to a hidden secret. Set in the captivating backdrop of the Outer Banks, the series takes us on a thrilling adventure as these teens uncover a long-buried mystery.
The main characters, John B., JJ, Kiara, and Pope, embark on a quest to find the coveted treasure. The journey not only tests their friendships but also pits them against a wealthy and powerful clique known as the Kooks. As they navigate through treacherous obstacles, the group is determined to solve the mystery behind the treasure, uncovering a web of deceit and corruption along the way.
Outer Banks is a coming-of-age story that explores themes of friendship, love, class divide, and the lengths one would go to for a chance at a better future. The stunning coastal scenery serves as the perfect backdrop for this suspenseful and action-packed series.
With its exhilarating storyline and compelling characters, Outer Banks is a must-watch for fans of adventure and mystery. Follow these teenagers as they navigate the thrill of a lifetime and discover the hidden secrets of the Outer Banks.
Also Known As:
Outer BanksRelease Date:
15 Apr 2020Writers:
Shannon Burke, Jonas Pate, Josh PateAwards:
4 wins & 13 nominations