Outcast is a gripping supernatural horror series that follows the life of Kyle Barnes, a man who has been plagued by a dark past. Throughout his life, Kyle has faced numerous misfortunes, including being physically abused by his own mother and being falsely accused of attacking his own daughter. These traumatic experiences have left him emotionally scarred, but he discovers that there may be a deeper, demonic presence behind the troubles he has faced.
After attending an exorcism in his hometown, Kyle becomes convinced that both his mother and his wife were possessed by evil forces, and he was not the cause of their descent into darkness. Determined to uncover the truth and save others from the same fate, he teams up with Reverend Anderson, a local preacher.
Together, Kyle and Reverend Anderson embark on a dangerous journey to battle the demons that possess and torment innocent people. However, their mission is not without challenges, as they face resistance from the skeptical residents of their town who believe Kyle is a dangerous individual deserving of punishment.
Outcast delves into dark and psychological themes, exploring the fine line between good and evil. Filled with suspense and mystery, this thrilling series will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they unravel the tangled web of demonic possession and wrestle with the significance of redemption.
Also Known As:
OutcastRelease Date:
23 May 2016Writers:
Robert KirkmanAwards:
4 nominations.