In Operation Finale (2018), a thrilling historical drama, a group of secret agents embarks on a high-stakes mission to apprehend Adolf Eichmann, a notorious Nazi officer responsible for orchestrating the Holocaust. Set fifteen years after World War II, the film follows the captivating true story of the Israeli intelligence team's relentless pursuit of justice.
Led by Peter Malkin, played by Oscar Isaac, the team must traverse the treacherous streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, where Eichmann has been hiding under an assumed identity. Faced with numerous challenges and obstacles, the agents must navigate a dangerous web of deception and outwit Eichmann's supporters, all while confronting their own personal demons from the war.
As tensions escalate, the agents must grapple with their moral compasses and question the limits of justice. The gripping cat-and-mouse chase culminates in a climactic showdown as the group races against time to capture Eichmann and bring him to trial in Israel.
Operation Finale is a riveting and thought-provoking film that delves into the darkest chapter of human history, highlighting the courage and determination of those who dedicated their lives to ensure that the atrocities of the Holocaust would never be forgotten. This compelling drama serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking justice and confronting the ghosts of the past.
Also Known As:
Operation FinaleRelease Date:
29 Aug 2018Writers:
Matthew OrtonAwards:
2 nominations