In the 2008 horror film One Missed Call, a terrifying chain of events unfold as several individuals receive ominous voice-mails from their future selves. These messages divulge the date, time, and chilling details about their impending deaths. As panic ensues, a group of friends embarks on a quest to unravel the mystery behind these terrifying calls and prevent their own demise.
Led by Beth Raymond, portrayed by Shannyn Sossamon, the friends desperately try to decipher the clues left in the haunting messages. In their race against time, they discover a disturbing pattern connecting the recipients - all of whom dial the same number that appeared on their missed calls list.
As the supernatural force behind these calls becomes more malevolent, the group finds themselves engulfed in a nightmarish world where technology becomes a conduit for impending doom. With each victim's demise becoming more grisly and inexplicable, they must strive to uncover the truth before it's too late.
Directed by Eric Valette and featuring a talented ensemble cast, One Missed Call is an intense and suspenseful horror film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Explore the dark and eerie realm of a deadly phone call as the characters fight for their lives, maintaining an unnerving sense of dread that will leave audiences questioning their own phone habits.
Also Known As:
One Missed CallRelease Date:
04 Jan 2008Writers:
Andrew Klavan, Yasushi Akimoto, Minako DairaAwards:
2 nominations