In the heartwarming holiday film One Magic Christmas (1985), viewers are taken on a captivating journey to discover the true meaning of Christmas. Mary Steenburgen shines as Ginny Grainger, a struggling wife and mother who has lost faith in the magic of the holiday season. In her darkest hour, Ginny is visited by an angel named Gideon (Harry Dean Stanton), whose mission is to remind her of the importance of love and family during Christmas.
As Gideon leads Ginny through a series of extraordinary encounters, she begins to see that materialistic possessions are not the key to happiness. Together, they embark on a magical adventure that opens Ginny's eyes to the value of the people in her life rather than the gifts they exchange.
Supported by a talented cast, including Gary Basaraba as Ginny's dedicated husband Jack, and Elisabeth Harnois and Arthur Hill as their children, One Magic Christmas delivers a heartfelt message about the power of love and the significance of cherishing our loved ones.
This enchanting film captures the essence of the holiday spirit, reminding viewers of the true meaning of Christmas: the joy and warmth shared with family and friends. One Magic Christmas is a timeless classic that will leave audiences believing in the magic of the season once again.
Also Known As:
One Magic ChristmasRelease Date:
22 Nov 1985Writers:
Thomas Meehan, Phillip Borsos, Barry HealeyAwards:
2 wins & 7 nominations