One Deadly Weekend in America (2017) is a gripping and thought-provoking documentary that delves into the tragic stories of several young individuals who fell victim to gun violence in the United States. This compelling film sheds light on the devastating consequences that occur when friendships turn deadly, conflicts escalate, or encounters with law enforcement take a catastrophic turn.
The documentary paints a vivid and harrowing picture of the events leading up to these shootings and explores the aftermath that left families shattered and communities grappling with grief. Through interviews with survivors, family members, and law enforcement, the film examines the complex factors that contribute to these incidents and raises important questions about gun culture, mental health, and the justice system.
One Deadly Weekend in America is a powerful and timely exploration of the gun violence epidemic that continues to plague the nation. The documentary provides a stark reminder of the urgent need for societal change and meaningful conversations surrounding gun control and mental wellness.
Streaming now, this impactful film serves as a wake-up call, urging viewers to confront the devastating consequences of gun violence in order to foster meaningful dialogue and work towards finding solutions that can help prevent such tragedies from happening again.
Also Known As:
One Deadly Weekend in AmericaRelease Date:
10 Jul 2017Awards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award1 nomination total