Once Upon a Time in the North is a captivating Finnish film set in the nineteenth-century coastal region of Ostrobothnia. The story follows Esko, the leader of a group of troublemakers, as they navigate a tense and dangerous battle over a father's estate and honor his last wishes. The film delves into themes of loyalty, revenge, and the complexities of family relationships in a small, tightly-knit community. As the power struggles unfold, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, with unexpected twists and turns keeping them on the edge of their seats.
The stunning cinematography captures the rugged beauty of the Finnish landscape, adding to the overall immersive experience of the film. The stellar performances of the cast bring depth and authenticity to the characters, making it easy for audiences to become invested in their fates. Once Upon a Time in the North is a gripping and thought-provoking drama that will leave viewers pondering the impact of choices and the true meaning of honor.
Also Known As:
HärmäRelease Date:
17 Feb 2012Writers:
Jukka-Pekka SiiliAwards:
1 nomination