On the Rocks (2020) is a heartwarming and witty comedy-drama set in New York City. The movie revolves around Laura, a young mother who embarks on an unexpected journey with her charismatic and free-spirited father, Felix. Reconnecting after a long time apart, the duo traces a complicated path through the city as they navigate their strained relationship, attempting to uncover the truth about Laura's husband's fidelity.
As the story unfolds, Laura finds herself grappling with doubts about her husband Dean when he starts behaving suspiciously. Naturally curious and concerned, Laura turns to her father, Felix, for guidance, a man who has always enjoyed the company of women. Together, they engage in a series of madcap adventures and hilarious misadventures as they chase down Dean and try to decipher his intentions.
On the Rocks is a captivating exploration of familial bonds, love, and the complexities of modern relationships. Directed by Sofia Coppola, the film boasts a stellar cast, with Rashida Jones and Bill Murray delivering extraordinary performances that infuse the story with humor and emotion.
With its stunning portrayal of New York City and its unique blend of wit and heartfelt moments, On the Rocks is a delightful film that will keep viewers entertained from beginning to end.
Also Known As:
On the RocksRelease Date:
23 Oct 2020Writers:
Sofia CoppolaAwards:
2 wins & 40 nominations