Oliver & gänget (1988) is a heartwarming family film that takes inspiration from Charles Dickens' classic novel, Oliver Twist. Set in the bustling streets of New York, the story revolves around a lovable homeless kitten named Oliver. Struggling to survive on the streets, Oliver becomes a part of a misfit gang of homeless mutts who survive by stealing from others.
During a daring theft, Oliver crosses paths with Jenny Foxworth, a kind-hearted and affluent young girl. Jenny takes an instant liking to Oliver and insists on adopting him into her loving home. Oliver's life takes an unexpected turn as he experiences warmth, love, and care for the first time. However, he soon discovers that his old gang is planning a dangerous heist that could put his new-found family in jeopardy.
As Oliver grapples with this difficult decision, he learns the importance of loyalty, love, and the true meaning of family. The film beautifully captures the essence of Oliver's journey from an abandoned street cat to a cherished member of a loving household.
With its endearing characters, captivating story, and timeless themes, Oliver & gänget (1988) is a delightful film that will entertain viewers of all ages. Join Oliver as he navigates the challenges of friendship, loyalty, and finding his place in the world.