In the critically acclaimed Norwegian TV series Okkupert, set in the near future, Norway finds itself under Russian occupation on behalf of the European Union. The show follows the consequences of the newly elected Norwegian government's decision to halt the country's crucial oil and gas production in the North Sea in an effort to protect the environment. This move puts Norway at odds with its European partners, resulting in a high-stakes political and military crisis.
As the Russian forces establish control over the country, the Norwegian government quickly realizes that their actions have led to unforeseen consequences. The series delves into the ethical and moral dilemmas faced by the characters, including the prime minister who finds himself torn between protecting his country's sovereignty and appeasing the global powers.
Okkupert is a gripping political thriller that explores the complexities of international relations, power dynamics, and the delicate balance between national interest and global politics. The series offers a thought-provoking commentary on the ever-growing importance of environmental concerns and the lengths governments may go to safeguard their nation's future. With its compelling storyline and well-developed characters, Okkupert provides an engaging and suspenseful viewing experience.
Also Known As:
OkkupertRelease Date:
15 Jan 2016Writers:
Karianne Lund, Jo Nesbø, Erik SkjoldbjærgAwards:
1 win