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Vi följer fem familjer från olika delar av världen som har valt att börja ett helt nytt liv. De har olika förutsättningar och drömmarna skiljer sig från varandra. Men en sak har de gemensamt: drömmen om Norrland. Under ett år får vi vara med på deras livsresor med allt vad det innebär av språkförbistring, renoveringar, köldknäppar, myggor och snöskottning. Show More


Join us on an unforgettable journey with the families of Norrlandsdrömmar (2024–), as we witness their pursuit of a new life in the picturesque region of Norrland. Follow five diverse families from different parts of the world as they embark on a fresh start filled with unique challenges and aspirations. While their backgrounds may vary, they all share a common dream – the dream of Norrland.

Experience the highs and lows of their life-changing adventures over the course of a year, from overcoming language barriers to tackling home renovations, surviving harsh winter conditions, battling pesky mosquitoes, and navigating the art of snow shoveling. As each family confronts their own set of obstacles and triumphs, we are invited to witness the resilience, determination, and unwavering spirit that drives them towards their shared goal of building a new life in the breathtaking landscapes of Norrland.

Prepare to be captivated by the heartwarming stories, cultural clashes, and emotional journeys of these families as they navigate the complexities of starting afresh in a foreign land, all while holding onto their dream of Norrland.