In the movie No Escape (2015), Jack, played by Owen Wilson, seizes the chance to relocate his family to Southeast Asia to oversee his company's new water manufacturing plant. However, upon arrival, they encounter numerous issues, including malfunctioning electronics and a lack of vehicles on the streets. Their problems escalate when Jack unwittingly becomes embroiled in a violent uprising led by armed rebels targeting foreigners.
The following morning, while at the market, Jack finds himself in the midst of the rebellion. Desperate to ensure his family's safety, he must navigate through the chaos and return to their hotel. Along the way, he encounters a mysterious British tourist, portrayed by Pierce Brosnan. Realizing the dire situation, this enigmatic figure becomes an unlikely ally, assisting Jack in getting his family to the American Embassy amidst the tumultuous anarchy.
No Escape is a gripping thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they witness Jack's relentless struggle to protect his loved ones in a volatile and dangerous environment. The movie highlights the lengths a person will go to when faced with extreme circumstances, showcasing moments of tension, suspense, and heart-pounding action. With a strong ensemble cast and compelling performances from Wilson and Brosnan, No Escape delivers a thrilling and visceral cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
No EscapeRelease Date:
26 Aug 2015Writers:
John Erick Dowdle, Drew DowdleAwards:
2 wins & 1 nomination