Ninja Scroll (1993) is an action-packed animated film set in feudal Japan. The story revolves around a wandering swordsman, Jubei Kibagami, who finds himself entangled in a dark conspiracy. With the help of Kagero, a seductive ninja woman, and Dakuan, a cunning spy, Jubei confronts a powerful clan of assassins determined to overthrow the ruling Tokugawa Shogunate.
As Jubei delves deeper into the dangerous mission, he discovers that the clan's leader is a familiar face from his past, shrouded in mystery and harboring sinister intentions. With his unique swordsmanship skills and the support of his newfound allies, Jubei must navigate through treacherous landscapes and face off against monstrous foes in a thrilling battle for justice and survival.
Ninja Scroll captivates viewers with its stunning animation, dynamic fight sequences, and intriguing plot filled with secrets and betrayals. The film combines historical elements with fantastical elements, creating a blend of action, suspense, and supernatural elements that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
Prepare to be immersed in an epic tale of loyalty, revenge, and the power of the human spirit in Ninja Scroll. Stream this critically acclaimed anime film now and experience the timeless appeal of a classic masterpiece.
Also Known As:
Ninja ScrollRelease Date:
05 Jun 1993Writers:
Yoshiaki KawajiriAwards:
1 win