Night Will Fall is a thought-provoking and chilling documentary that uncovers lost footage from World War II. The film, shot by renowned filmmakers Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945, exposes the horrifying truth of the German concentration camps. This groundbreaking discovery provides an unflinching look into the atrocities committed during the Holocaust.
As the narrative unfolds, experts analyze the historic significance of Hitchcock and Bernstein's documentary, providing valuable context to the film's creation. The filmmakers' intention was to create a documentary that would serve as undeniable evidence of the horrors endured by millions of innocent people.
Night Will Fall delves deep into the ethical and logistical challenges faced during the making of the documentary. The film grapples with the decision to show the graphic and devastating footage to the public, questioning the potential impact and the psychological toll it may have on viewers.
Through interviews with survivors, liberators, and historians, Night Will Fall presents a harrowing and emotional account of the events that unfolded during this dark chapter of history. This raw and haunting documentary reminds us of the importance of remembering and understanding the Holocaust, ensuring that the voices of the victims are not silenced.
Night Will Fall is a compelling and important film that sheds light on the truth of the Holocaust, challenging viewers to confront the unimaginable horrors of the past and learn from them to create a better future.
Also Known As:
Night Will FallRelease Date:
05 Dec 2014Writers:
Lynette SingerAwards:
8 wins & 14 nominations