Nevertheless is a captivating South Korean drama series that follows the story of a young art school student named Yu Na-bi. Despite her cynical views on love, Yu Na-bi finds herself drawn to the charming Park Jae-eon, a classmate known for his flirtatious ways. The two embark on a friends-with-benefits relationship, with Yu Na-bi cautiously exploring her feelings while remaining reluctant to fully commit.
As their relationship progresses, Yu Na-bi begins to question her initial skepticism toward love. She finds herself falling deeper for Park Jae-eon, experiencing a whirlwind of emotions and desires. However, she soon realizes that Park Jae-eon's reputation as a player might not be entirely unfounded.
Throughout the series, Nevertheless explores the complexities of modern relationships and the blurred lines between love and lust. The show delves into themes of self-discovery, vulnerability, and the delicate balance between passion and emotional boundaries.
With its realistic portrayal of contemporary romance and a talented cast, Nevertheless offers viewers a relatable and compelling story. Will Yu Na-bi and Park Jae-eon find genuine love amidst their casual arrangement? Tune in to find out and join their journey of navigating the complexities of modern dating.
Also Known As:
NeverthelessRelease Date:
19 Jun 2021