In the 1987 movie Near Dark, a small-town farmer's son finds himself entangled with a group of mysterious travelers who turn out to be vampires. After being bitten by a captivating drifter, the young man is drawn into their dark and dangerous world, forcing him to confront his own humanity as he grapples with his newfound thirst for blood. As he struggles to navigate this twisted family of bloodsuckers led by the ruthless Jesse Hooker, he must make difficult choices that could alter the course of his life forever. With a mix of horror, suspense, and compelling characters, Near Dark explores themes of loyalty, love, and survival in a gritty and unforgiving landscape. As the young man becomes more entwined with the group, he must ultimately decide where his loyalties lie and what he is willing to sacrifice in order to stay alive. Explore the dark and thrilling world of Near Dark as the boundaries between human and vampire blur in this captivating tale of survival and forbidden love.
Also Known As:
Near DarkRelease Date:
08 Jan 1988Writers:
Eric Red, Kathryn BigelowAwards:
1 win & 9 nominations