National Geographic Explorer: Nazi Mystery: Twins from Brazil delves into the chilling experiments conducted by Joseph Mengele, the notorious Nazi doctor known as the Angel of Death. Set in Auschwitz in 1943, Mengele's cruel experiments focused on twins in a bid to create a master race for Adolf Hitler. The documentary sheds light on the harrowing experiences of these twins as they were subjected to inhumane tests and procedures.
Viewers are taken on a journey through history as experts unravel the mysteries surrounding Mengele's obsession with twins and his ultimate goal of creating a blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan race. The film explores the lasting impact of Mengele's actions and the ethical implications of his barbaric experiments.
Through interviews with survivors and experts, Nazi Mystery: Twins from Brazil offers a powerful and poignant look at one of the darkest chapters in human history. A must-watch for those interested in understanding the atrocities committed during World War II and the legacy left by those who survived Mengele's horrors.
Also Known As:
Nazi Mystery: Twins from BrazilRelease Date:
29 Nov 2009Writers:
Max Salomon