Experience the incredible true story of two men, Jun Shik and Tatsuo, whose dreams of becoming marathon runners are shattered by the outbreak of war. As Korea falls under Japanese colonization, Jun Shik works on Tatsuo's grandfather's farm. Despite their friendship, a fierce rivalry emerges as they both strive to be the fastest runner.
However, their aspirations are abruptly disrupted as they are called to enlist in the army. Tatsuo becomes Jun Shik's commanding officer, setting the stage for a life-altering chain of events. Together, they face the horrors of war and are eventually captured by the Soviets. Determined to survive, they manage to escape but are soon caught by the Germans, tearing them apart.
In a riveting twist of fate, Jun Shik and Tatsuo reunite on the shores of Normandy in 1944. Surrounded by the chaos of the D-Day invasion, their paths intertwine once again as they fight for their lives and search for redemption amidst the devastation.
My Way is a gripping tale that explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the extraordinary lengths people will go to survive. Directed by Kang Je-gyu and featuring powerful performances, this epic war drama will leave you on the edge of your seat, captivated by the remarkable journey of these two men.