My Perfect Romance is a heartwarming romantic comedy that follows the story of Wes Robinson, the newly appointed CEO of Robinson Tech, who is determined to boost the company's sales. When Vivian Blair, a talented program developer, presents her dating algorithm called My Perfect Match, Wes recognizes the potential and decides to launch the service. Little do they know, this decision will lead them on a journey to find love themselves.
As Wes and Vivian are challenged to use My Perfect Match, they discover that the algorithm produces some unexpected and amusing results. They go on a series of awkward dates and encounters, leading them to question the effectiveness of the algorithm. Along the way, they start to develop feelings for each other, but are unsure if it's genuine or simply a result of the algorithm.
Filled with laughter, mishaps, and heartfelt moments, My Perfect Romance explores the themes of love and technology in the modern world. Will Wes and Vivian realize that true love cannot be defined by a computer algorithm? Or will they end up finding their perfect match in each other?
Get ready for a charming and hilarious romantic adventure that will keep you laughing and guessing until the very end in My Perfect Romance.